Monday, June 25, 2018

Just a snippet of our amazing hands. The shapes they can create. The tools they can wield. The beauty they can touch. The helping hand of a neighbor, friend or stranger. The hands that feed us and the hands we have bitten. The clapping hands at a concert or play. The expression of joy. A noise maker. A hair comber. A button helper. And on and on, but most important hands that can pull life towards us or push it away. Each of us, with our hearts and minds living, breathing in the present, can work toward a connection to our individual path in life. Or at least help us understand our choices better!!

Friday, June 22, 2018

A singular image today symbolizing calm, hope, opportunity and sharing. This is how I feel today. 

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Think PEACE! Say it, read it, share it, then maybe we can become one planet more united with the commonality between us all...Simple things like breathing air, eating food, caring for family and friends. Then friends of friends and so on. We have to try.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

'A rose is a rose is a rose", as stated by Gertrude Stein in a 1913 poem. Existentially speaking, we  all describe the world around us using our own words. Seeing the world, breathing the world, hearing the world and touching the world is a personal reality for each of us. We should (when possible) try and listen to each others views, have a conversation and share those experiences for the betterment of all......

Monday, June 18, 2018

Every door can lead to a beautiful destination!!
Let's go and discover the beauty this life does have to offer.......

Friday, June 15, 2018

The process of sharing is motivating. It makes the mind flow, the heart beat. The world seems brighter and the air fresher. Bringing a creation into the physical world so others can see your mind and heart is cathartic. There are so many ways to reach out, to express oneself, to be a part of the human party. Let us all become ourselves and be ourselves for as long as possible. Be solid and flexible. Be happy!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

I thought it would be fun to share a "craft" project that I did years ago..... Touching upon topics that interest me enough to share with the viewer is very exciting.......I am enjoying this series very much and I hope I can put a smile in to your day....We are all here!!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

THE BRAIN!!!!.....What a machine. We all have one so let's use it for the betterment of ours and others lives....The planet included!!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Knowledge is fun and there are a lot of measured facts that better help us to discover where we are in space. Many people stare at the ground more than they look to the sky and beyond. I enjoy doing both. When I look to the evening sky the moon puts a smile on my face.....The moon has been a constant for humane kind. It is a time machine of sorts. Think of the billions and billions of people who have utilized the moon for all reasons, I.E. Poetry, love, direction, religion, encouragement, solace, peace and yes, war.  Enjoy the heavens.....It is your turn to find the wonderment....

Friday, June 8, 2018

Everyone knows we need a little more love in this world. If we can reach out to each other just a little. If we can move a small  distance away from our egos and make someone laugh, feel wanted, be included!! If we become good listeners to others we can all become more whole and colorful. If we are respectful of others and their personal space then the seed of reciprocation has a chance to grow. When appropriate a hug always helps and kind words always helps too.....Have a sweet day.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

These types of signs were popular back, back, way back in the day when they were called sandwich boards and the person wore the advertisement hanging off of their shoulders. It was a job for many people!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The world is a beautiful place, but one cannot see it exclusively through rose tinted glasses. Bad things happen all the time, but good things happen all the time too. If we can choose, if we are allowed to find happiness and safety then we can begin to find the peace within ourselves and consequently within the world and amongst others.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Let's have fun with some basic science, after all, we are all part of the cosmic game......sleep well and speak softly.....

Sunday, June 3, 2018

I believe I am getting in a groove.... Life can be obscurely humorous and that is the theme of this strip. I'm having fun and I hope all of you are too...

Saturday, June 2, 2018

In my world this makes me laugh and I hope that it makes others a little lighter and brighter in their brain.....As always, be at peace.....