Saturday, September 28, 2019

Still moving through space. Sometimes it's an easy walk and sometimes it's a tumble. As long as I get to the other side with a smile on my face it's all good. Enjoy the ride!!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

I've found that crossing the great divide is a constant process. Who I was before transforms into who I am now. From was to am will never stop. The tides of my life ebb and flow. As long as my boat does not have a big leak I will keep sailing and dance with the tides. Peace out!

Monday, September 23, 2019

In the colorful world of personnel transition I am always faced with getting from here to there. Many modes of transportation are presented to me and I have to use my mind and heart to decide how! I always hope that the transition helps me  to  understand a world that is constantly revolving. It seems to me at times like a  ride at the fair; when  do I get on and off? Peace out!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Greetings from an alternate universe!!..Thumbs up too all. Life is moving along at this end and I hope that it is full and vibrant in your universe. Peace out!

The trapeze of life. A balancing act that is always ongoing. I always want to start my day upbeat by trying to be as positive as I'm able. As my day moves its way through and around me I like to be left at the end of the journey with as much Joy  as possible. It's all part of life. Peace out!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Chemical, electrical, spiritual, etherial, conscious, loving. Some of the wonderful qualities that reflect who we are and what we can become! Life is a path and choices are the footsteps we take. Peace out!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

I always marvel at our ability to create when we unfold our minds. To bring to light that which was only a thought. We can and should use that shared  power to create happiness in all its forms. The  magic of it all....Breathe in through your nose and out your mouth as much as possible....Peace Out!

Monday, September 9, 2019

These three photos represent 2 seconds of my active life. Seems silly too look at 2 seconds and give it notice, but it is a small part of a larger picture called life. In a sense I am acknowledging the minutia in my life. The building blocks of my time on the planet......Enjoy the Lego blocks in your life......Peace out!

Friday, September 6, 2019

As part of my series I want to include the unseen. By unseen, I mean the minute objects that are literally under our noses as we walk the streets of our homes. At times I take the time to view the surface under my feet as I go about my daily business.....This wet and thrown away piece of tissue became a dancer to my minds eye. What I envisioned I have expressed in these visual takes. The first one is unaltered except for a bit of color change, but the initial dancing form stands out. When I find these little gems I am momentarily transported to a world of theater. Not a bad place to go at times....Enjoy your breath and let your eyes see your day unfold!!!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Every morning, or almost every morning, I put a pair of shoes on. Most of us do this and usually it becomes a routine, like so many others, in our daily lives. I just thought showing the positions of the shoes and the placement of the feet would give us (me) a nod to the simple things in life!! As the old saying says "one step at a time". Have a bright and forward thinking day.